
Empowerment project

Introduction Working with adults is integral to SRDS's work with children as children are embedded in a society where the situation and decisions are taken by adults, often play an important part in determining the trajectories of their lives. Our approach to child labour, which has organically evolved through the years, has in very many ways begun to address the question of what role adults play in the realization of child rights. Decentralization of governance mechanisms became an important aspect of our work when we increasingly realized that the unique needs of children in difficult circumstances could not be resolved by a central government which was distanced and aloof.

Yet local governments could only respond effectively if devolution of powers took place. Hence, was born (GPHA; The Movement for the Self Determination of Rural Local Governments).
Similarly, our work with organizing adult migrant workers began once we recognized that the marginalization of the child was of course in many ways the inherited marginalization of their families and communities. This year we continued with our work of supporting adults alongside children through various means. The GPHA found cause for alarm instead of a regressive proposed amendment to the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act.
Protests by the group ensured that this Bill was not passed and the underlying issues were acknowledged. The SRDS also undertook a Statewide clean elections campaign during the State Elections 2017.
We continued to work extensively with migrant populations through our urban and rural outreach programmes. Not linked to any political party or faction and was enthusiastically welcomed in the region. As a result, we have planned and extended this campaign all over the state.
❖ Workshop We are conducting a workshop with children and skills related to the participation of children very important so we start to find the school drop children in Yadgir district rural area children give the aware about training and job placement through government linking program our team members find the resource person and placement officers in Yadgir district now we are training them children’s more than 1500 children in a rural area and 560 children get job placements.
❖ Capacity training centre:
❖ Planning for the program
❖ Empowerment of rural people
❖ Gender equality
❖ Self-help group
❖ Youth Sanghas
❖ working children
❖ working women This Target Basic working issues in major cities of the migrant community and their life to change their problem-solving skills empowering growth.